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Showing articles from faq:cool-bot tag

The Easiest Way to Determine the Generation of Your CoolBot

If your CoolBot is a **1st ****Generation** it will have two cable ports located on the side above the display screen; and another two cable ports located on the side right of the display screen. You will screw your cables into these. And its digital light up will glow red. You will also see the labels "Room", "Frost"…

Will a combination heat and a/c unit work with the CoolBot?

The air conditioners that have both heat and cool modes only heat at 60°F and above. They do not switch from cooling to heating automatically. One solution that CoolBot has found is to buy a little heater (buy the blower type, not the radiant type) like the Lasko Ceramic Heater or the Pelonis ceramic heater. Plug it …

What size air conditioner do I need for the CoolBot?

CoolBot has an amazing website chocked full of helpful information. You can use their A/C calculator [here][1]. [1]:

How should I insulate my walk-in cooler?

You can watch a video and access a printable pdf from CoolBot’s website [here][1]. [1]:

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